Employer branding refers to how a company is perceived externally, especially in the eyes of potential and existing employees. It encompasses values, work environment, benefits, career development, and the employer-employee relationship. Unlike corporate and product branding, employer branding is often overlooked in both establishment and maintenance. However, with the entrance of Generation Z into the workforce, the labor market has shifted from one-sided employer selection to a mutual evaluation process. This emphasizes the need for companies to be attractive employers to win potential talents.

Key Strategies for Employer Brand:

Consistency and Authenticity

Emphasize internal and external consistency in conveying company values.
Avoid exaggeration during recruitment to align expectations with the actual employee experience.
Ensure external promotional activities and internal processes reflect consistent values, fostering an internally and externally aligned employer brand.

Value-Driven Work Experience

Prioritize core goals such as providing a comfortable work environment and forward-looking career development opportunities.
Go beyond superficial employee benefits, focusing on systematic training programs and support for professional certifications.
Develop measures that attract and retain top talent while fostering a positive work environment that promotes personal growth and overall performance.

Enhanced Internal Communication and Engagement

Provide diverse interaction platforms to strengthen internal communication and engagement.
Conduct regular department meetings, workshops, and use internal instant messaging software to facilitate communication among employees.
Implement regular employee satisfaction surveys and one-on-one meetings to gather feedback, ensuring employee voices are valued and considered in the organization.

Establish a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Adopt fair and objective principles during recruitment, avoiding bias based on gender, race, age, or background.
Develop transparent and objective evaluation mechanisms for promotion and compensation to prevent implicit bias and discrimination.
Actively support corporate social responsibility and philanthropic activities, demonstrating care for society and building employee identification and resonance.

Employee Advocacy and Word-of-Mouth

Conduct brand awareness training and internal workshops to help employees understand the company’s core values and culture.
Encourage employees to share real stories and experiences on social media platforms, showcasing the company’s employee-centric approach.
Motivate employees to become brand advocates, creating positive word-of-mouth effects internally and externally, affirming consistency between internal and external perceptions.


Establishing an attractive employer brand is not easy and cannot solely rely on public relations. However, it is relatively authentic because it reflects every event that happens to employees and the workplace culture and values the company builds from the inside out. After envisioning the employer brand, the crucial step is execution and continuous refinement based on employee feedback. Through accurate value propositions and an attractive employer brand, become the ideal company in the minds of GenZ talents!


Further Reading:

If you have recruitment needs for your company, please contact us. We are committed to providing support.

Published On: November 23rd, 2023 / Categories: Employer Brand, Recommended Articles / Tags: , /